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xWhat is Genesis Medical Research?

Raul E. Lopez, MD, updated Sep 8, 2024

We are a group of scientists and physicians working to extend human life span and cure diseases. Our work is based on two fundamental assumptions. These two assumptions distinguish us from other medical research organizations.

First of all, we take the stories of the Bible as true history. The Bible and other early historical documents teach that several thousand years ago people were living almost one thousand years. We believe that this is the natural potential life span for human beings. We believe that there was a literal world wide flood that destroyed almost all life. Before The Flood, life spans were relatively stable at nearly one thousand years. After the flood there was a progressive decrease in life spans. Something occurred at the flood event which caused life spans to decrease. We believe that this change is natural, not miraculous. Consequently, if we can discover what caused human life spans to decrease, we can potentially reverse that cause, and increase human life spans to near pre-flood levels. A promising candidate for this change is the rise of radiocarbon levels which would have followed the drastic decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which followed the burial of the vast prediluvian forests during The Flood. This would have led to the higher cancer rates and a lower life span which we have in the present.

Secondly, we also believe that humans were created by the direct act of God. We are a designed, optimized and engineered system, not one which came together as a result of random mistakes. Therefore, our second assumption is that if we see the human body as a carefully engineered system that it will help us see where the design may be damaged and come up with ways to fix it. If we assume that we are dealing with a highly optimized system, then, when we see flaws in the system, we will not assume that they are design mistakes, but that they are the result of genetic decay and will seek ways to fix the damage. It is likely that after cancer rates increased after the flood, longevity mechanisms no longer made a meaningful difference in life span and suffered genetic damage. We aim to identify these longevity mechanisms and restore them to their fully functioning state.

Please browse our website, read our literature and consider donating to our work.

Raul E. Lopez, MD, MDiv.